Colville, WA

Choose from 2 Addiction Treatment Centers in Colville, WA

Colville is a city with a population of 4,613 people located in Stevens County of Washington. It is located on the North Eastern side of the state. While Washington does not rank high on states most affected by the Opioid crisis, their numbers should not be ignored. In 2017, there were 742 overdose deaths.

Colville has limited options for treatment, detox, and other addiction recovery services. Choosing between what level of treatment is needed is dependent on the circumstances of the patient. Unfortunately, If a higher level of care then outpatient is needed, that individual may need to travel to a larger city like Spokane to receive care. However, there is a highly regarded inpatient facility located in Colville.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment

Treatment centers generally fall under two categories, inpatient or outpatient. On your search to find treatment in Colville, Washington you should undergo an evaluation to best determine what type of treatment would be best for you.

Inpatient treatment has a higher success rate and offers treatment while the client lives at the facility. In this type of setting patients will receive 24/7 care and support. However, there are downsides to inpatient treatment. Due to the lockdown design it can be extremely disruptive to regular life. Those with families or full-time jobs may find inpatient treatment impossible.

Outpatient treatment is designed to allow the patient to live at home while receiving treatment. Treatment length is usually 3 months to a year and only requires 10 to 12 hours a week. This offers a little more flexibility for those who need to maintain a normal daily routine. One setback is that outpatient treatment has a lower success rate.

Treatment Plans

Addiction can be extremely hard to overcome. Once completing either inpatient or outpatient treatment it is important to continue taking steps to ensure your sobriety. Counseling is a good step.

Colville, Washington offers many treatment options to enable you in these goals.
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