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Why am i an addict?

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  5. Why am i an addict?
Asked: 2018-09-13 17:25:02
I never wanted to follow in the footsteps of my addict father, yet here I am, homeless and without a job. Why did I succumb to addiction when I knew firsthand how bad it was for me?


Answered: 2018-09-14 07:13:26

That’s the trouble with addiction. You’re dealing with a disease that doesn’t care about family history, health or future dreams. Addiction can wrap hold of you so fast and furiously, and you already came from an at-risk background as addiction runs in your family. When you first tried drugs, your body responded in a favorable way and you felt happy and safe from the high. In reality, you were anything but. It doesn’t take long to become addicted, and it can be really hard to get clean, but people do it all the time. I have faith in you that you can reach out to your local rehab center for help in getting better.


Answered: 2018-09-13 21:57:32

Anytime you take drugs, even if you think it’s a causal or social situation, you are at risk of becoming addicted. Drugs are illegal, illicit substances for a reason. They cause chemical reactions in your brain that make you feel good temporarily, when in reality they are leading you toward death and destruction. Please don’t give up on a better future for yourself. Just because you are addicted now doesn’t mean you need to be in the future. I would contact your local medical center or rehab clinic for help.


Answered: 2019-01-31 20:55:14

Dude, when you said, "Addiction can wrap hold of you so fast and furiously, and you already came from an at-risk background as addiction runs in your family" you couldn't have been more right. Do you think NA will help me get help if i show up at a meeting? Its' either drugs or them, i don't have insurance. I can't believe i got myself into this mess! Any recommendations would be nice.

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