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Do Interventions work?

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  5. Do Interventions work?
Asked: 2018-10-02 15:58:28
Resentfully, my father told me to get lost when I told him he had a problem with substance abuse.. Is an intervention an effective way to handle the situation?


Answered: 2018-10-22 06:56:40

They can be an effective tool in making an addict face their behavior and to provide them with a clear outline of how they can get help and what will happen if they dont get help. If youre having an alcohol intervention, make sure the person is sober, in so far as possible, or you may find that they dont even recall the conversation.


Answered: 2018-10-03 11:05:25

Naturally, we resist change. Although its part of human nature having an intervention can help place your loved one in the right direction and push him to live a healthier and maybe even a sober life.


Answered: 2018-10-25 05:02:13

An intervention is something that you may feel is a last ditch attempt, but many are successful. They do work, but theres an exception to anything, so dont go in with the expectation that it will. If the person isnt ready to get help yet, this may set off a destructive course of events and that is something you must prepare yourself for. The best way to do it is to href:"www.findrehabcenters.org" or drug counselor who has done this before. Its definitely worth a try.


Answered: 2018-10-08 08:17:16

If you are wondering do interventions work, then youll find more cases where they have than when they havent but you need to be prepared that it could go either way. Its a very difficult process for all involved. It is important to seek the help of a specialist to plan it.


Answered: 2018-10-04 01:15:05

I must tell you that if a individual is tired of living as a slave to drugs or in this case alcohol, he will generally be more open to accepting change and help. However if he is not willing or open to the idea of changing, the intervention may not go as perfectly as hoped for. And eventhough it doesnt always go 'ideally' interventions stick with those who they are done upon and have a greater impact than is sometimes known.

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