Charlotte, NC

Choose from 38 Addiction Treatment Centers in Charlotte, NC

Some of the most commonly used substances in Charlotte, NC, include painkillers, Opiates, Chlordiazepoxide, and Alcohol. The city of Charlotte offers multiple drug abuse facilities to help patients recover from the addiction. Whether you are looking for certain types of program, you can find treatment centers in Charlotte by reviewing our listing.

Charlotte Treatment Programs

Rehab centers in Charlotte offer educational programs, treatment programs, and substance abuse counseling services. If you are wondering whether an inpatient or outpatient program would suit your need, you need to determine your situation. Charlotte inpatient rehab centers offer the benefits of a protected environment for the patients. Although most inpatient treatment programs tend to cost more, if the patient is committed to proper recovery, inpatient treatment is the best option. For those who have circumstances where they might benefit more from outpatient treatment, there are residential rehab centers in Charlotte as well.

The Process of Detoxification

Most treatment centers in Charlotte offer both intervention and detox services. Intervention is when the friends and family of the addicted individual express love and concern, pushing for them to get help. Detoxification comes after. Clinical detox is medically supervised and will reduce the symptoms of withdrawals for patients.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Charlotte

Addiction tends to change you as a person. For some patients, they suffer both mental disorders and substance addiction. Co-occurring mental disorders are very common among patients . Some Charlotte treatment centers offer treatment where they determine whether the patient has the dual diagnosis. If your situation requires dual diagnosis, you can review our listed treatment centers in Charlotte to find out more information on which facility offers this service.
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Charlotte, NC


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