Brattleboro, VT

Choose from 5 Addiction Treatment Centers in Brattleboro, VT

Vermont is dealing with a statewide opioid crisis resulting in higher numbers of overdose deaths than ever before. Areas like Brattleboro are unprepared to deal with the increasing presence of addiction within their communities. The VT Department of Health has started to follow the use of drugs and alcohol within the state very closely. This has helped to develop a number of more accessible treatment options. People suffering from an addiction to opioids often go through a difficult detox process and require more support. They may also be more resistant to treatment initially.

Types of Treatment Programs

Many families use an intervention in order to motivate the addict to seek help. If this is effective, then the addict may need to go into an inpatient facility. This is a residential program that provides intense therapy and around-the-clock care. This is also the best option for those suffering from addiction co-occurring with alcoholism or mental illnesses. People who seek help on their own can sometimes benefit from an outpatient program. They will be expected to abstain from drugs and alcohol while attending scheduled therapeutic activities. This program provides more freedom and allows them to continue living in their home during treatment.

Helping Yourself

Anyone who’s suffering from addiction will need to understand that they have a problem prior to seeking help. This is a family disease, and many times family members will need to undergo therapy to heal relationships. Treatment can only be successful if the addict truly wants to stop using drugs and alcohol. They must be willing to participate in the program, and genuinely determined to reach and maintain sobriety. Working with a licensed treatment facility is a good place to start. Addiction is a chronic and individual disease that will require initial treatment along with ongoing maintenance.
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