Little Rock, AR

Choose from 29 Addiction Treatment Centers in Little Rock, AR

In Little Rock, AR, you can find different types of recovery treatment centers that are centered around recovery. Some facilities offer a remote and quiet atmosphere for renewal of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Choosing an Inpatient or Outpatient Program

The treatment programs in Little Rock are created for everyone of all ages. Each program that is offered has a strong foundation to help the patients to recover from their addictions. Recovery centers in Little Rock also focus on the 12-step concepts. The programs help patients in developing the motivation to recovery from addiction toward drug and alcohol.

Consultation and Intervention Services

During an intervention process, family members or close relatives may visit facilities to get more detailed information on a treatment program. Often, families tend to make mistakes by thinking that a treatment program is some sort of punishment for the addicts; however, it’s better for you to understand the benefits of intervention. There are many recovery centers in Little Rock that offer intervention and detox services. If a loved one that is suffering from addiction decides to get help and needs to undergo detox, an intervention will help families to understand its advantages.

Choosing the Right Co-Occurring Disorder Program

When deciding on a good co-occurring disorder treatment program, it is best to find a facility that has a high success rate in treating the patients. Co-occurring disorders need to be diagnosed and treated by medical experts who will be able to decide what kind of treatment best suits you. In Little Rock, there are programs that include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interview Session to treat the co-occurring disorder.
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