Chicago, IL

Choose from 161 Addiction Treatment Centers in Chicago, IL

Chicago has experienced one of the highest poverty rates in the state of Illinois, and this has led to an uptick in drug use. The IL Department of Human Services has estimated that roughly $3.5-billion-dollars are being spent on overdose victims each year, and Chicago has contributed to this a great deal. With addiction rates constantly on the rise, people are looking for new ways to offset the problem with drug and alcohol abuse. This comes in the form of more aggressive rehab facilities. These types of facilities focus on individualized treatment programs geared toward long-term recovery. The key to success is awareness and connecting people with the right resources.

Chicago TreatmentĀ Options

Outpatient treatment programs are the first line of defense when dealing with addiction treatment. These are generally focused on people who can undergo therapy while still participating in their day-to-day life. These programs are more appropriate for people not suffering from co-occurring conditions. Inpatient programs offer residential services to those who suffer from severe detox symptoms and who require a more consistent level of therapy. These programs often focus on helping people to redefine their daily routine in a way that keeps them free of drugs and alcohol.

Planning for Aftercare

Most treatment programs will help to set up aftercare plans. This is a method of ensuring that the addict has an ongoing support system long after intense therapy has ended. Aftercare can consist of regularly scheduled therapies along with community programs. Peer to peer counseling has been proven to aid in maintaining sobriety and fighting cravings. Many addicted people face a lifelong battle with chemical dependency. The key to recovery is understanding that drugs and alcohol have a negative impact on their life and seeking the appropriate types of help. Reaching out to a rehab facility is the first step towards recovery.
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Chicago, IL


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