Indianapolis, IN

Choose from 53 Addiction Treatment Centers in Indianapolis, IN

Indianapolis, IN, has faced a drug epidemic that rivals much larger cities across the U.S. The city is dealing with a constant flow of Heroin and Opiates traveling from Chicago and acts as a central hub for Indiana drug activity. Rehab facilities have had a difficult time keeping up with the widespread abuse of drugs and alcohol, and many state facilities are no longer taking those suffering from addiction co-occurring with mental illness. New facilities are needed, and private treatment centers are answering the call. There are many inpatient and outpatient centers quickly becoming available all over the state.

Rehab Methods Avaliblal in Indianapolis

Inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities provide intensive behavioral, cognitive, medical, and medicinal therapies available to those who want to reach recovery. Inpatient programs are residential facilities offering extended stays for those who might suffer intense detox symptoms or who need an intervention to prompt treatment. Outpatient facilities are a bit more relaxed. These provide the same methods of treatment but allow the addict to go home at the end of each scheduled day. These are better suited to addicts who can control their cravings while maintaining their freedom. If an addicted person experiences a relapse while in an outpatient program, he or she has the option of transferring to an inpatient facility.

Success with Aftercare

Most programs will end after a few weeks or months but will help to plan an aftercare schedule. Aftercare includes outpatient therapy combined with community services that can help them maintain their recovery. Many programs have discovered success with peer to peer counseling, and more experience related treatment programs. This provides many people with a purpose after they’ve learned to live life without drugs and alcohol. The key is to ask for help, and not to be ashamed of receiving extended services that help promote success.
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