Minneapolis, MN

Choose from 105 Addiction Treatment Centers in Minneapolis, MN

Minneapolis, MN, is facing a statewide crisis, with a rise in Opioid overdoses from things like Heroin and Fentanyl. Minnesota has suffered from the Opioid epidemic in a way that created a need for better-equipped rehab centers. Opioid addiction is usually presented with a co-occurring mental disorder. This can result in withdrawal periods that are nothing less than traumatic. Finding the right balance of physiological and psychological support provides the addict with the best possible chance of recovery. The sooner they reach out for treatment, the better chance they have of living a life free of drugs and Alcohol.

Possible Treatment Options

Inpatient programs can provide a more intense range of behavioral and cognitive therapies. These are better for people who suffer from prolonged detox periods or who require an intervention to seek out treatment. Inpatient treatment involves a residential stay at a facility for a period that usually lasts between 28 and 90-days. Outpatient facilities are better for those who do not need constant supervision. These programs schedule treatment in a way that allows patients to go home at the end of each day. This is a better option for those who can’t afford inpatient facilities, or who need to maintain a work and life balance outside of the program.

Recovering from Addiction

After a treatment program has been completed, the individual suffering from addiction will need to seek out aftercare services. An aftercare plan can usually be created by the treatment facility prior to the end of intense therapy. This is the best possible way to make sure that everyone is able to recover. Addiction is a disease that impacts everyone around the addicted individual, and it’s important that treatment include that circle of friends and family, as they are the basis of a support system.
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