New Hampshire

Choose from 101 Addiction Treatment Centers in New Hampshire

Every state in the US is suffering from a national drug epidemic. New Hampshire is currently facing its own unique set of problems. According to the NH Public Radio publication, reports of Methamphetamine use have more than doubled over the last three years. This, in conjunction with a rise in Heroin addiction, has led to a new focus on rehabilitation programs available throughout the state. Many addicted people suffer from co-occurring mental illness that can exacerbate their condition and lead to additional drug and alcohol use. The severity of the addiction combined with the dangers of detox and other factors can determine whether a person should seek inpatient or outpatient care.

Understanding Treatment options

Addiction is a disease that affects the entire family. It can be beneficial for both the family members and the person suffering from addiction to participate in an intervention. This is a gathering that allows everyone to share their feelings about the loved one’s behavior and the impact that their drug use has had on others. An inpatient program might be the best choice. This is a residential service that allows them to live at the facility for a period of up to 90 days. In some instances, outpatient therapy may be a better option. This allows the person undergoing treatment to leave the facility at the end of each day and to go home.

Sobriety and Recovery

Recovery is the goal for those undergoing treatment. People who are in recovery will have access and choose not to use because they want to live a life free of addiction. It’s important to remember that addiction is a disease, and each person will have their own unique path to recovery. Finding a treatment program that works is an excellent way to get started.
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