Cleveland, OH

Choose from 63 Addiction Treatment Centers in Cleveland, OH

The Cleveland, OH, Department of Public Health claims a rate of drug-related Emergency Room visits of well over 100-people per bi-weekly period. This is concerning for even the most optimistic rehab professionals in Ohio and gives insight into the way that the growing Opioid epidemic has impacted the state. Cleveland is an area that needs better treatment tools geared towards addiction co-occurring with other mental disorders and facilities better equipped for the violent detox symptoms associated with Opioids. The best chance at surviving addiction is found in a rehab facility surrounded by professionals who understand the disease. Choosing the right rehab is the key to recovery success.

types of Treatment Options

Inpatient programs provide intense residential treatment for periods of time exceeding one month. These are the best option for those who can suffer from severe withdrawal symptoms, or who have difficulty abstaining from drugs and Alcohol when left on their own. For those suffering from periods of active addiction, an intervention may be the best way to convince them that they need treatment. Outpatient programs provide many of the same therapies but allow the patient to go home in between treatment sessions and at the end of each day. This is often a better option for those who need to continue attending work or who have familial responsibilities.

Make Aftercare Plans

Many treatment facilities will help to develop an aftercare plan prior to release; this is a plan that revolves around ongoing therapy and community support. There are several programs relating to aftercare, including things like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. These resources have proven themselves effective in the fight against addiction and allow addicted people to counsel one another on the best way to abstain from using drugs and Alcohol. Recovery is a definite possibility when overseen by a licensed treatment facility.
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