Memphis, TN

Choose from 34 Addiction Treatment Centers in Memphis, TN

You should learn about Memphis addiction treatments and counseling before choosing a facility. Tennessee struggles with substance abuse just like other states in the U.S. In Memphis, the rehab centers offer both long-term and short-term addiction treatment programs. To find out more information, review our listing of rehab centers in Memphis. This way you can determine which treatment center would suit your needs.

Choosing Inpatient or Outpatient Programs

There are many programs for people in active attention being offered in all over Memphis. For those who choose to commit completely to sobriety, the inpatient treatment program is the best option. It allows the patients to focus on recovery process without outside interruption. A program like this usually focuses on many aspects including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Patients who have outside responsibilities such as work, study or family can choose outpatient programs.

Withdrawal and Detox Services in Memphis

Those who are struggling severely with drug and alcohol will need to be assessed properly before moving on with further treatment. In Memphis, most rehab centers offer supervised medically-treated detox for the patients. The time you’ll need to spend in detox will vary depending on what kind substances you abused. After detox, post-acute withdrawal symptoms also known as PAWS can happen with some patients. PAWS can last from a week to a few months after you stop abusing drugs or alcohol. Check our listing to find which treatment centers in Memphis offer both detox and inpatient program.  
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Memphis, TN

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