
Choose from 58 Addiction Treatment Centers in Wyoming

Wyoming has experienced an incredible rise in the abuse of prescription narcotics. The state has the 15th highest overdose mortality rate, and many are searching for a solution. The WY Prescription Drug Abuse Report indicates a need for more aggressive monitoring and treatment options. New plans have made more resources available over the last five years, but the state wasn’t ready for a new influx of heroin that followed prescription abuse. Many people are searching for a way to reach recovery and educating them on their options is the first step toward statewide treatment.

WY Treatment Options

The two primary treatment options include inpatient and outpatient facilities. Inpatient facilities are designed for residential services and provide around-the-clock care for those suffering from difficult detox symptoms to addiction co-occurring with other disorders. Many people utilize inpatient programs after a family led intervention that gives them the motivation to seek treatment. Outpatient programs allow the addicted person to participate in day programs centered on therapeutic activities and addiction education. This allows the addicted people to return to their daily lives while still actively receiving the treatment they need to reach recovery. The success of this program is largely dependent on their ability to abstain from drugs and alcohol while not supervised.

How to Plan for Aftercare

Most treatment programs will arrange for aftercare services including counseling, therapeutic activities, and community-based programs. This allows them to continue to actively seek recovery while building a new routine far from substance abuse. Rehab programs are effective when the person receiving treatment wants to stay sober. No one can be forced into treatment with any real expectation of success. People who are addicted must realize the dangers, understand that they have a problem, and seek help to better their lives and the lives of those around them.
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Wyoming

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